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To qualify for an ITG, you must:
Be at least 18 years old
Have an updated resume
Be looking for employment or be currently employed and making less than $63,928/year
Be ready to work immediately after training
Have a minimum of a High School diploma or equivalency and work experience (some occupations require a degree)
Register at a Workforce1 Career Center
Individual Training Grant
To be eligible for VR you must:
have a disability that interferes with getting or keeping a job;
be able to benefit from Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) services; and
need VR services to get, keep or advance at your job.
How To Apply for VR Services
Obtain an Application for Services VR-04 at Orientation, on-line or by contacting the closest District Office. Applications are available in English, Spanish, Haitian-Creole, Italian, Russian and Chinese.
Complete an Application for VR Services - You must include your name, address, date of birth, gender and disability.
Sign your application. Only signed applications will be accepted. Note: Applications for individuals under the age of 18 must also include the signature of a parent or guardian.
Submit your application to the District Office closest to you.
Referrals- you may be referred by your school, doctor, Social Security Administration, family, etc.). A referral must include your signed consent to verify that you agree to a referral to ACCES-VR. Note: Consent forms included with a referral of individuals under the age of 18 must also include the signature of a parent or guardian.
After you submit your application or are referred, a vocational rehabilitation counselor (VRC) will meet with you to begin the VR process.
ACCES-VR Offices